Is she STILL breastfeeding?

Is she STILL breastfeeding?
Is she STILL waking through the night?
Is she STILL using a dummy?
Is she STILL wanting to be cuddled as she falls asleep?
Is she STILL coming into your bed?
Yes. She is. She still needs to be parented as tenderly through the night, as she is during the day.
Yes. She still clings to people and objects that make her feel safe in this big scary world.
Yes, she still seeks comfort when she sleeps and yes, I will still continue to offer her that comfort.
Because no matter how big she looks to you... she is still my baby.
{My daughter is now 3. Our breastfeeding journey ended a year ago and she now happily sleeps through the night. But, she still has a dummy to drift off, my husband or I still cuddle her to sleep and she is STILL welcome into our bed whenever she likes... And she always will be.}
Georgina Dowden is a mother, midwife and lactation consultant (IBCLC).
In her day to day life, she looks after her two beautiful children and also supports other families on their parenting journey.
If you would like to get in touch for breastfeeding or sleep/settling support, please email:
Skype/FaceTime consultations available OR home visits if you live in the Northern Rivers of NSW.