Does your baby need less breastfeeds as he gets older?
Does your baby need less breastfeeds as he gets older? Yes. No. It depends on the day... See, this is the problem with blanket rules for...
6 Tips For Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months
So your baby is now 6 months old. Congratulations! You survived and are hopefully enjoying the crazy ride that is parenting. Now that...
Falling Asleep at the Breast
These days, I'm getting better at not screaming or tearing my hair out... So I'm actually able to maintain my composure when I hear a...
First Feed
If given the opportunity, most healthy babies will crawl to the breast and self-attach in that golden hour after birth. This photo was...
Hands and Feeds
I read a terrible piece of advice in a baby book recently. It said that babies, including their hands, should be wrapped for all their...
The Breastfeeding Journey
When I was pregnant, I was confident that I was going to breastfeed my baby, and looked forward to having that relationship with her (or...