There Was a Time...
There was a time when every time I put him down, he woke up. There was a time when the only place he would sleep was on my chest. There...

My sweet babies - you are safe.
My sweet babies - you are safe. That is why I love this so much. That is why I love you both sleeping beside me. Because when you are...

Why I Love Co-Napping
It seems like the measure of a competent parent is one who manages to get their baby to nap independently, in their cot, for at least an...

Keeping Sleep Positive
I had an email recently, in which a first time mother of a wakeful (though normal) baby asked me the question: “do you think we should start

“Your baby needs to learn how to sleep out of your arms...”
• “Your baby needs to learn how to sleep out of your arms...” • “Your baby needs to learn how to settle in the cot...” • ”Your baby needs...

The Art of Sleeping Well (Even If Your Baby Doesn't...)
Sleep training is a hot topic. You might feel that in order to get a good night’s sleep, you need to train your baby to sleep better. But...

6 Tips For Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months
So your baby is now 6 months old. Congratulations! You survived and are hopefully enjoying the crazy ride that is parenting. Now that...

Discouraging & Disempowering Mothers
It's frustrating meeting so many new mothers who have been discouraged and disempowered by the people around them. Who are trying so hard...

STOP telling me my baby should be napping for at least an hour...
STOP telling me my baby should be napping for at least an hour. STOP telling me that "cat naps" are a problem that needs fixing. STOP...

Sleep Regression? Nope...
Last week he would happily fall asleep beside me on the bed for naps. Then I could ninja roll away... This week, he just wants to sleep...