Let's Talk About Separation Anxiety...
Let's talk about separation anxiety - ~ It usually begins around 6-8 months of age. ~ It will often peak at 12 months of age. ~ During...

"She doesn't actually NEED me, she just WANTS me..."
"She doesn't actually NEED me, she just WANTS me..." What's the difference in the eyes and heart of a baby? Mama, you are your baby's...

Discouraging & Disempowering Mothers
It's frustrating meeting so many new mothers who have been discouraged and disempowered by the people around them. Who are trying so hard...

Our Family Bedroom
Someone asked me the other day what our bedroom setup looks like so I thought I would share a picture. This is our “family room”- yep,...

Is she STILL breastfeeding?
Is she STILL breastfeeding? Is she STILL waking through the night? Is she STILL using a dummy? Is she STILL wanting to be cuddled as she...