Gentle Night Weaning
There often comes a time when a breastfeeding mother feels that, although she still loves to breastfeed, the night feeds are becoming...

When The Book Says: "Your Baby Should..."
One common issue faced by a new mother is that she will be lead to believe that there are specific rules around how to manage her baby’s...

How To Gently Stop Breastfeeding Your Toddler To Sleep...
I have consulted with many mothers who ask me how they can move away from the wonderful practice of breastfeeding their toddler to sleep...

My Toddler Dialling Down
This is my toddler dialling down. It’s 7pm. We are in a busy restaurant. It’s loud. Bright. And he is starting to feel his cortisol...

I Wish I Had Just Enjoyed Her
I spent so much time trying to put her down... I wish I had just enjoyed her. I spent so much time counting the hours between feeds... I...

Mother Guilt
I read a lot about “mother guilt” and who is to blame for it. Is it health professionals? Is it our family? Is it the internet? Is it...

There Was a Time...
There was a time when every time I put him down, he woke up. There was a time when the only place he would sleep was on my chest. There...

Holidays With Kids (It's Not All Bad!)
Here I am enjoying a mini-break on the Gold Coast with my little family. Funny story - back in 2011 my husband (then my boyfriend) and I...

My Initiation into the Mastitis Club
For the past 5 days I have been battling bloody mastitis. And believe it or not, it’s my first ever bout. My virgin run, if you will... I...

My sweet babies - you are safe.
My sweet babies - you are safe. That is why I love this so much. That is why I love you both sleeping beside me. Because when you are...